✅ 오전 11시 아마추어 수업 [Coach LOVE]
Drag thru cone touch shots
Thru to Inverted Drag pull up shots
Iverson Inverted Drag practice
Rosetti Lunge step to Inverted Drag
✅ 오후 8시 30분 아마추어 비기너 수업 [Coach JASON]
Warm Up
- Catch n Shot (Passer in the Middle)
Game Situation Drills
- Contact & Flair
- Balance Shooting
- Self Pass Shooting
✅ 오후 9시 45분 아마추어 수업 [Coach JASON]
Warm Up
- Full Court Lay Up
- Resistance Dribble Control (Two Balls)
Game Situation Drills
- Lift
- Partial Step
- Speed Stop
- Skip Drop